
Mon - Fri 6.30 am - 3 pm

All Opening Hours

Zugerstrasse 13, 6030 Ebikon

Breakfast, lunch, a snack, or just because you’re hungry: there's always something tasty in our cafeteria.

To help you start the day full of energy, we have a range of balanced meals ready for you for breakfast. Fresh muesli, crispy croissants, seasonal fruits and sandwiches with your favourite filling: the choice is yours. At any time of day, you’re sure to find a meal you like to get you through the day. The range of hot and cold drinks is very broad and includes coffee specialities. To help you start the day full of energy, we have a range of balanced meals ready for you for breakfast. Fresh muesli, crispy croissants, seasonal fruits and sandwiches with your favourite filling: the choice is yours. At any time of day, you’re sure to find a meal you like to get you through the day. The range of hot and cold drinks is very broad and includes coffee specialities.

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Latin American cuisine from 20 to 24 May 2024

What is Latin American cuisine? Many of our everyday foods are of Latin American origin. For example, the potato, the tomato and the cacao. For that reason alone, but also because the food there is as complex as the culture itself, it is worth discovering the continent's cuisine. The basic recipes of Latin American cuisine, with lots of meat and staples like rice, beans and maize, are similar in many places. However, there are also some special variations and regional peculiarities. Vegetarians will also find what they are looking for. Some of the dishes may seem strange to European palates, but be assured that the culinary journey is well worth it.